Wednesday 20 November 2013

Technology Wins

Lately I find myself constantly sticking up for modern technology, in a world where we have so many privileges it's surprising to me that so many people can complain about the way it works. I agree that somethings have negative sides, like twitter being used for bullying or how the internet takes notes of your interests without really asking your permission. But sometimes you've got to admit, we are incredibly lucky to live in an age where you can easily contact people a million miles away, and technology is constantly growing. At the rate it's growing, who knows how long it will be before we find a cure for cancer, or before travelling to space becomes a possibility for everyone. I'm not saying the bad things aren't an issue, but it's nice occasionally to just look at the positives, no matter how small they are. Below is a video from a Nine Inch Nail concert in Las Vegas, and it shows the front man Trent Reznor facetime a guy whilst on stage during the encore. It's a sweet thing to do for a fan anyway, but the guy he facetimes was actually a guy who couldn't be at the gig after just been given only a few weeks to live. Its these small privileges, being able to video call someone at the touch of a button, that we take for granted. Sometimes, the little things mean the most.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Tarantino Referencing Pop Culture

I'm thinking about studying Tarantino for my auteur study, there's a lot of info out there on his references to pop culture and I think it would be something I could really go to town on. However, is it too easy? It's certainly easy to watch his films again and again.

Friday 15 November 2013

Animation station

With the animation deadline looming, I'm trying to get as much done as possible every day. It's certainly a challenge, but it'll be good to get it done so I can put it onto the website I am creating for Web Design. Here's a screenshot from my opening title sequence, hopefully more to come soon!


Thursday 14 November 2013

American Beauty: The Dinner Scene

Today in film studies we watched clips from 'American Beauty'. I particularly enjoyed this dinner scene.

It's great how you get the impression of a happy family scene and this slowly deteriorates. In particular, the camera shots, cutting between the mother and father create real tension and an idea of separation. The division is clear from the establishing shot and the distance between them, but it isn't really clear until further on in the scene. I especially like the use of lighting, the way Kevin Spacey ascends into darkness every time his anger rises. Brilliant film making. 

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Exciting news from Disney

I love the first feeling I get when I see a new film poster for something that excites me. I love Disney in general, but Sleeping Beauty was always a favorite when I was a child. I'm not Angelina Jolie's biggest fan, but I can't believe how good she looks as Maleficent. I haven't heard much more about the making of this new film, but a picture is worth a thousand words.

Unfortunately the trailer isn't nearly as exciting, but still.. I'm sure it will be well worth a trip to the cinema.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Typography presentation

I've been researching typography for a presentation we have to do in Graphics, I'm going to look at different TV and film posters and analyse the fonts used and how they create different moods. I've chosen to only look at the speculative fiction genre, I think the sub genres  like sci-fi and horror have brilliant genre conventions that will help me with my assignment.

Sunday 10 November 2013

New: "Carry Me" Interactive Music Video

These days the amount of music videos being released is endless, bands no longer have to only release videos just for their main singles, with websites and social networking sites needing more video content then ever before. I regularly find myself watching a video and comparing it to a million other ones that are pretty much exactly the same. With the industry changing, most bands/artists are constantly battling to come up with the best new ideas, and trying to do something a little bit different. Bombay Bicycle Club are no exception, with their new music video being an interactive experience, where the viewer drags their mouse across the screen to get different things to happen on screen. This not only makes the viewer feel involved in the process, it also means you can watch the video a number of times and never see the same thing twice. Sure, it might not be the best looking video in the world, but it's different. And being different means it's a lot more memorable then your regular indie music video.

For me this is just proof of the many ways in which the world is changing, nothing is off limits anymore. It's extremely exciting, and even though this video won't get the same amount of hits as the more mainstream videos, it's a nice little reminder of the way we are heading. Everything is multi-platform. This isn't just a music video, it's a game and a piece of art too.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Graphic Design and Typography

Today we were given our first two assignments for Graphics. The first being a Powerpoint presentation analysing different typographies on products, and the second being taking this research and using it to create a product.

 Image taken from:

I've got a couple of ideas already about the kind of product I could do. I think it could be good to do a website or app, or even a magazine. Something where I can incorporate image manipulation aswell.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Intellectual Property

Today we were learning about copyright and trademarking, it surprises me how things eventually become public domain and are free for the public to use as they like. It's also very interesting to learn about intellectual property and the loopholes in the law. It's almost unbelievable that the man who designed the Dalek doesn't make any money now.

Image taken from:

I think this lesson will stick with me for a while, and it's going to be really useful to know my basic rights with regards to the things I create.

Monday 4 November 2013

Anarchy in the UK vs. Pride of Britain

One UK event that sticks in my mind from the last few years is the riots that took place in London and various places across England. I remember watching a live stream on the news of a furniture shop going up in flames. As the anchor explained how the shop had been a family business, built up for years by one family and destroyed in a minute by some thoughtless kids, I couldn't help but be filled with anger.

Another strong memory I have from the last decade is the feeling I got when watching the London Olympics opening ceremony. As the beautiful spectacle directed by Danny Boyle unfolded in front of me I remember feeling extremely proud to be British, and excited for the coming sports events. 

The contrast between these events is obvious, which is why I'm glad that one of our media theory assignments is to compare the representation of the two in the newspapers at the time. It's always good to have experience and feelings that you can use in your work, but it's about understanding everyone feelings and how the media tries to control them. I can't wait!