Sunday 10 November 2013

New: "Carry Me" Interactive Music Video

These days the amount of music videos being released is endless, bands no longer have to only release videos just for their main singles, with websites and social networking sites needing more video content then ever before. I regularly find myself watching a video and comparing it to a million other ones that are pretty much exactly the same. With the industry changing, most bands/artists are constantly battling to come up with the best new ideas, and trying to do something a little bit different. Bombay Bicycle Club are no exception, with their new music video being an interactive experience, where the viewer drags their mouse across the screen to get different things to happen on screen. This not only makes the viewer feel involved in the process, it also means you can watch the video a number of times and never see the same thing twice. Sure, it might not be the best looking video in the world, but it's different. And being different means it's a lot more memorable then your regular indie music video.

For me this is just proof of the many ways in which the world is changing, nothing is off limits anymore. It's extremely exciting, and even though this video won't get the same amount of hits as the more mainstream videos, it's a nice little reminder of the way we are heading. Everything is multi-platform. This isn't just a music video, it's a game and a piece of art too.

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