Tuesday 1 October 2013

Flash - Music and Sound Timing

Today I learnt how to drop a mp3 piece of music into flash, and how to time pictures on a screen to match the sound. I chose to use the song “Hold On” by SBTRKT, and thought I could do a simple animation of notes appearing as each of the notes in the song played. Each picture as it appears to the notes, must be in a different key frame. This showed me the importance of timing, and I will use this in particular when timing the sound effects in my animation. Here are some screenshots of my timing animation. 

I need to remember that a sound goes onto a key frame, and that if I am going to use a background audio over the top of my animation I want it to stream. I must start to really consider timing and sound with my animation. If I use a number of sound effects, a good website to get them is www.flashkit.com.

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