Sunday 22 September 2013

Synopsis and Character Research

I’ve written my synopsis, and I have drawn a couple of character ideas out. To help me write my synopsis I also did a rough timeline plan, so I could check that the timing would fit into the story. From all the characters I have drawn, I am thinking that the best one is the coffee cup. I may show my drawings to people to see which one they prefer, but I myself think I prefer the coffee cup. I wondered if a coffee cup would be a suitable object to make my character likeable, and I remembered that there was a coffee cup in the latest Wrigleys Extra advert, that dances around with a number of other foods. I can take this into account when drawing my final cup.

 I also can’t decide whether my character should have arms and legs, this could be another thing I can ask people for advice on. 

Beauty and the Beast

I’ve watched the Disney film “Beauty and the Beast” to get a better idea of whether my character needs legs or not to move effectively. I found that most of the characters actually move without legs, they tend to topple from one side to the other. Only some characters (for example, Cogsworth) walk with some sort of legs, and even then the legs are formed from parts of his body. As my cup would not have parts I can turn into legs, it may be easier for me to move the characters in the same way the cutlery moves in the film.

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